As summer hots up (at last) events are hotting up for the publication of The Carer on 8 July. If you’re in the West Country, or the Cotswolds, I’m appearing at the wonderful Ways With Words literary festival at Dartington, on 8 July. Then I’m doing evening readings at Waterstones in Yeovil on 16 July, Hunting-Raven bookshop, Frome, on 17 July, Toppings bookshop in Bath on 18 July and the Yellow Lighted bookshop in Tetbury on 19 July.
I’m also doing events at the Keats Community Library in Hampstead, London, on 9 July, and Chorleywood bookshop on the 10 July. And I’m doing a book signing at the Deal Bookshop, Kent, at 11.30 on 27 July. I’ll tell you later events in a later posting.
I’m also appearing on BBC Breakfast TV on 9 July, and Radio 4’s Front Row on 12 July.
As for magazines and newspapers, I’ve got articles and interviews in Red, Good Housekeeping, the Daily Mail, the Times and various other publications.
Phew. It’s all rather promising. Slightly nerve-wracking too. I love speaking in public and meeting my readers, that’s never a problem. It’s the thought of the reviews that bring me out in a sweat. Or, worse still, no reviews at all.
It’s funny how one copes with this. If it’s a bad review I’ll think Oh, nobody reads that newspaper anyway/everyone’s away on holiday and will miss it/never mind, it’ll be wrapping fish and chips tomorrow/everybody’s too upset about Brexit to read anything at all. If it’s a good one, I’ll think just the opposite. Pathetic, really. And I really should have got used to it by now.
Anyway, do come to see me, if you’re around on any of those dates and not on holiday. Or indeed, having a holiday in the gorgeous West Country, because who wants to fly nowadays? It would be lovely to see you, and if not, it would also be lovely to hear from you so do email me at moggachdeborah@gmail.com