Winter 2004

Just watched a DVD of “Pride and Prejudice” (director’s cut) which is absolutely wonderful. Very thrilling to see it come to life, though I’m sure there will be more fiddling with it, and the film itself won’t be released until much later this year – maybe the autumn, I don’t know yet.


No news yet on the lion project, which is supposed to start shooting in May, which is the right season in Botswana. I’m starting work on a film adaptation of my latest novel “These Foolish Things”. Its characters are starting their mysterious journey – their metamorphosis into film, which changes them profoundly and makes one get to know them all over again. I’ve done this many times but it’s still unsettling. It’s as if a hologram lays itself over the original people, and then gains such substance that underneath it they disappear, to be replaced by their new selves. And of course the story alters too, becoming more active, more focused and dramatic. It’s very tempting to cling to things in the book just because one likes them; one has to be ruthless and unretentive, but it’s painful sometimes. Also, of course, fascinating…


Otherwise I’m rather bereft of ideas. I’m going to the Galapagos at the end of January, something I’ve dreamed about all my life, so maybe all those tortoises will stimulate the old creativity. My father Richard Hough, who was a writer, visited the islands thirty years ago and wrote a book about it, which my mother illustrated.


Meanwhile a happy new year, and do email me at if you fancy.


P.S. The Vintage paperback of “These Foolish Things” is published on 3 February and I’ll be appearing at various literary festivals this spring – the Bath Literary Festival on 26 February, Ways with Words in Cumbria on 1 March, the Aldeburgh Literary Weekend on 5 March, and Essex Literary Festival on 14 March. Hope to see you at one of those… I’m also being awarded an Honorary Degree at Bristol University in February.